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Randomized Trial of Exercise and Nutrition on Chemotherapy Completion and Pathologic Complete Response in Women With Breast Cancer: The Lifestyle, Exercise, and Nutrition Early After Diagnosis Study

There have been studies showing decreased recurrence in women who underwent curative breast surgeries (walking and yoga). This study assesses if it will affect the intensity of chemotherapy delivered. Although it did not affect it, women who underwent the program had better pathologic complete response (pCR), we need more studies to assess role of nutrition and exercise in treating cancer as we develop a wholesome approach to treat our patients, something we may be able to do in our practice.

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Intracranial Outcomes of De Novo Brain Metastases Treated With Osimertinib Alone in Patients With Newly Diagnosed EGFR-Mutant NSCLC

Although Osimertinib in another trial (article from a previous month) had also impressive response first-line osimertinib initiation of 25 days. In total, 136 previously untreated brain metastases were tracked from baseline. Overall, 105 lesions (77.2%) had complete response and 31 had partial response reflecting best objective response of 100%.

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